
The profits of his own work go directly or indirectly to help his community. When he isn’t drumming up money to put in a well, a school, a dispensary in their territory North of Timbuktu, he is using his contacts to see that some of the food aid makes it out there to people in serious need. With his earnings he purchases grain or animals to help rebuild the herds decimated by droughts and the rebellion. For more information on what he is doing for his tribe see his website created by a Swiss NGO, ICVolonteers, of which he is a member: Shindouk is the representative of the Timbuktu region of ICVolunteers, a non-profit organization currently developing a project related to information for farmers in Mali and Senegal. For more information, visit the ETIC website.
Union Regional des
Guides et Chameliers de Tombouctou
This recently created association unites all the official
guides both of the city and the desert. Their goal is to
put more order and professionalism into the guide industry
of Timbuktu. If you select a guide via this organization
you have recourse to them if your guide behaved
inappropriately or did not fulfil his contract. The
unanimously elected president of the association is Shindouk Mohamed
Lamine. The office is located right next door to
Taoudeni Voyage.
Syndicate d'Initiative pour le delvelopemont de tourisme a
This initiative
was put in place by the Malian government with the
objectives of improving the tourist sector in Timbuktu. The
syndicate has influence over the transport, hotel,
restaurant aspects of tourisme as well as the guides and
artisans. Shindouk has been elected president of this
syndicate as well. He works together with the governor,
mayor, representatives of the general assembly and
representatives of partner organizations, such as the world
bank, to develop strategies to improve the tourist sector.
See the governmental decree for the formation of the initiative
and the minutes of the first meeting here.
- "Certificat d'aptitude professionnelle de guide de tourisme" This certificate of professional aptitude as a tourist guide was delivered by OMATHO (Malian office of tourism) on August 11 2005 after successfully passing an examination.
- "Formation des Guide locaux" This local guide training took place from 23/09/04 - 12/11/04 by the Rhone-Alpes Region and AMAVAT see diploma
- Attestation of services as the person responsible for the tourisme and travel department for Tombouctou Services in 2001
- This certificate allowing the recipient to exercise his competence in the tourist sector of Mali was awarded after participating in an international training piloted by Rhone-Alpes Region and TETRAKTYS in November 2000
Shindouk is also something of an historian and often works with researchers, writers, and students, on their projects. He himself wrote a short work about his first trip to the western world as an invitee to the World Summit on Information and Technology in Geneva in 2003. He is also sited in numerous books, magazines, and newspaper articles on Timbuktu for which he often was a primary source of information as well as aiding the researchers to encounter the people they wanted to interview and interpreting for them; and he appears in several documentaries:
- Author Unknown, (2006) Une mission pleine de promesses pour "Les Amis de Bamba", L'Independant 26 avril 2006.
- Bradt Guide - Mali (2009) pages 241-42, 249 see review
- Baxter, Joan (2005) Girl From Whycocomagh, How a Nova Scotia girl ended up in Timbuktu, married to a village chief, The Sunday Chronical Herald, The Nova Scotian cover article, 6 Nov., 2005, pp 1, 3-4.
- Brunner, Mirjam (2008) A Teacher's experience in the Sahara. (Schools and Students, what you can do to make the difference), Earth Focus One Planet-One Community. 22 jun,
- CSDPTT Projet de TCP a Niafunke: Programme des 701 Communes, 2001
- Decoopman, Jeremie-Mehdi (2001) Tombouctou, l’Afrique s’éveille au net pg 131-133 Web Magazine, No 26, Jun. 2001.
- De Villiers, Marq & Hirtle, Sheila (2007) Space, Time and Timbuktu, Natural History Magazine Aug. 2007, pg. 22-26 and cover photo.
- De Villiers, Marq & Hirtle, Sheila (2007)Timbuktu: The Sahara's Fabled City of Gold, Walter and Company
- Djian, J.M. "Nouvelle merveille du monde", Jeune Afrique No 2410, 18-24 mars, 2007 photo pp. 79.
- Doucet, Stephanie (2006) En Pays Touareg, Les Bijoux Racontent: 80 jours chez les hommes blues, L'Harmattan
- du Richemond, Blanche, Des Neiges de la Nouvelle Ecosse aux Sables du Desert Malien, TANNEMERT, 21 dec, 2007
- E-TIC Rapport d'activites 2009 pour la Region de Tombouctou
- E-TIC - Partners
- E-TIC - Regions
- Fraser, Laura (2007) "From Whycocomagh to Timbuktu, Cape Breton woman finds a life and love with nomadic community in West Africa", The Chronical Herald, 20, Dec. 2007, front page.
- Gauter, Lydia, Jean-Francois Mallet, Le Vrais Gout du Mali: Une Traversee du pays en 50 recettes, Hermé, 2006
- ICVolunteers Mali: Shindouk, Touareg from the region of Timbuktu publishes journal, Volunteer News, No. 13, Second Quarter 2005
- ICVolunteers Swiss Students experience the Desert School of Ouladnagim
- Jaton, Nicole. & Jaton, Sophie (2006) Impressions de Tombouctou, Bulletin d'information de l'Association Tam Tam de Tombouctou, No. 7, Oct. 2006.
- La Meslee, Valerie Marin (2006) Tombouctou, Les Pistes du Savoir, Magazine Littéraire, No. 450, Feb. 2006, pp. 10-13
- LeGloahec, John Pierre (2006) Cadet reflects on African immersion trip, Academy Spirit, USAF Academy, Colorado, USA, 18 Aug., 2006, pp.6-7.
- Le Petit Futé, editions, 2007 photo pg.
- “Les Mille Ans de Tombouctou” - Tombouctouinfo 20 may 2008
- Lonely Planet (2009) West Africa Guide, Section Timbuktu pp.521
- Loude, Jean-Yves (2006) Les lettres de Tombouctou et de Gourma-Rharous, Paris, Editions Donniy / la passe du vent, pp 35-39, 50-51.
- MacMillam, Scott (2011) All The Way to Timbuktu, The National Jan 8, 2011
- Millet, Eric (2005) Découverte Mali, Magie d’un Fleuve aux Confins du Désert, Geniva: éditions Olizane, pp. 271-272.
- Millet, Eric (2005) La Quête du Désert, d’un rêve à la réalité, Paris: éditions Arthaud, pp. 265.
- Millet, Eric (2001) Objectif Aventure Mali, Paris: éditions Aruthaud, pp. 268-269.
- Millet, Eric (2006) Tombouctou, La Réalité d’un mythe, Geniva Editions Olizane, pp.168 Also sited in preface by Michel Onfrey, pp.9
- OMATHO (2007) Shindouk [photograph] "Votez Tombouctou", Afrique Magazine No. 262, julliet 2007, pg. 104.
- Routard West Africa Guide (2009) Mali section see hotels, and camel outings in Timbuktu, pp.273
- Ruozi, Roberto, (2003) Lettera da Tombouctou, Notiziario della Banca Popolare di Sondrio, No. 91 avril 2003
- Shindouk, Mohamed Lamine, L’occident vu par les yeux d’un Touareg, travel log, photos by Viola Krebs, 2006.
- Stephan, Caroline (2003) Shindouk, Tuareg et internaute, 24Heurs, No 287, 10, Dec. 2003, pp.6
- Togola, D. (2008) Tombouctou, Le Ville a Mille Ans, Le Quotidien de Bamako, No 0148, 29 Jan, 2008 pp. 4.
- UN Volunteers Annual Report 2003/2004, Also back cover Picture
- Vann, Carole, "SMSI: A MEYRIN, BERCEAU DU WEB: Touregs, Dogons, HImbas dans le cygberespace", InfoSud, 11, Dec, 2003
- von der Weld, Lucie, Desert School of Oulad Najim Schools and Students, what you can do to make the difference, Highbeam, 22 June, 2008
- World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Volunteer Family, Phase I Report, Geneva Switzerland, 2003, photo pp.37
- L'Etranger du grand fleuve, (2003) Documentary. Directed by Annick Colomes (France 2003) [Photo dans le Telerama du 2 au 8 dec. 2006 p. 105]
- Moi Sekou mon exil mon village mon combat, Documetary. Directed by Eric Mounier, ADN Productions, IRD France 5, 2007
- Something from Nothing, a Trip on the Tracks of Internet in Africa, (2003)Documentary. co-production CERN/ICV 2003.
- Tombouctou d’un mythe européen à la réalité africaine, (2006) Documentary. Directed by Thiery Fumey, Switzerland.
- Un visite sur les routes de savoir, Documentary for TV5, directed by Patrick , 2008
- Klänge der Welt (2/3) Mali Documentary on the salt trade by SWR Südwestrundfunk (German television station), directed by Tilman Bütner, 2007
Travel Blogs and Forums
-, van hier tot aan.... Timboekte (en terug;), Astrid Rijken 5 Mar, 2010
- Festival au Desert Essakane - Timbuktu -- a travel report 2011 posted by Temoris on Lonely Planet’w Thorn Tree travel forum
- JHL BORDO - MALI 2008/2010 Tombouctou en Janvier 2010
- Mali Horseback Tours, Interested n horseback Riding in Mali Debbie Logan
- Music, dancing tents, and going to the loo
- Paul's Travel Blog timbuktu, and tabaski, or on sacrifice Paul Kim,
- Quiet Griot Timbuktu Christoph Herby, 12 Dec, 2009
- Take on Africa "Bamako to Ouagadougou (part3) - Escape from Timbuktu”, Helen Lloyd, April 24, 2010.
- The trip that changed my Life Kate Humble,
- Timbuktu, John Gattey, May 5, 2009
- TogoToTimbuktu: Two guys, two 650cc motorcycles, over 2000 miles of West African Glory. Day 4 October 29: To Timbuktu and Day 5 October 30: Timbuktu and The Big Picture by Matt Hangen
- Travel is a Vanishing Act Maria E. Burnett-Gaudinani, 2001
- Salt & Gold 2009 - The Heart of Africa page 31 and page 32
- Wanderlust Imagery, -Timbuktu, Christoph Herby, December 12, 2009
- Sahara Passion review
- Horizons Unlimited Sahara Travel Forum
- Sahara Passion review
- Lonely Planet Forum Mali et Tombouctou avec les gens du pays, Mali Tips
- Miniguide di Vagabondo Il Mali in auto o moto
- Sahara Passion review
- Visit Mali: Timbuktu
- Guide pour Tombouctou-Taoudenni au Mali